ملخص مادة الانجليزي اول ثانوي نظام المسارات تحميل ملخص و مراجعة انجليزي Mega Goal اول ثانوي مسارات ف1 للعام 1445 على موقع واجباتي عرض مباشر وتنزيل بصيغة pdf
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ملخص انجليزي اول ثانوي Mega Goal 1 الترم الاول
Unit1: Big Changes
Unit2: Careers
Unit3: What Will Be, Will Be
Unit4: The Art of Advertising
Interviewer: Hello, Brian. Thanks for coming in to talk with me today.
Brian: Thank you for inviting me. I am very interested in hearing about the
position you have available for a chef.
Interviewer: Well, we are a very highly-rated restaurant, known for delicious
and unique food. We are looking for a chef with at least eight years of
experience managing a top kitchen like ours.
Brian: You can see from my résumé that I have been working as a top chef for
ten years. I have worked in three different kitchens. And I have received quite
a bit of recognition for my cooking. I have a strong work ethic. I like everyone
who works in my kitchen to be hard-working and have good teamwork skills.
Interviewer: How do you manage the people who work in your kitchen?